Colorado Dream Foundation continues to help kindle students' interest in STEM

The inside of Colorado Dream Foundation's Denver offices off Grant Street is buzzing, and anything but quiet.

"No, and it shouldn't be!" Colorado Dream Foundation president and CEO Kaye Taavialma exclaimed with a chuckle. "It's not school time. It's after school time."

Lights On Afterschool

On this particular evening, 3d through 10th grade students are taking part in a special program called Lights On Afterschool. 

"It's part of the Afterschool Alliance Program. There are only four sites across the U.S. and one in Brussels that have been asked to host this STEM version of the program. So, it's part of what we offer and what's unique. We were lucky," elaborated Taavialma.


Our work is really on helping them dream the biggest dream they can for what their life can look like and then helping them get there.

Kaye Taavialma
President and CEO
Colorado Dream Foundation


Lights On Afterschool is part of a comprehensive effort to provide a safe place for kids, particularly those of color. It involves 32 weeks of programming, five days a week. 

"We have stations where kids can create their own superhero, imagine themselves as one. Then, downstairs, they're building robot solar bugs. And at the end of the night, we'll give them all pizza before we send them home to mom and dad."

Student Bryson Lacroix's interest in learning was certainly kindled.

"I've built bugs, and we got signatures and drew superheroes. If someone didn't want to do come here, they might get in trouble."

Kim Schulz with the Denver After School Alliance echoed this sentiment.

"Without it, kids would be home alone, unattended, and probably not making the best choices. Here, they have a trusted adult that they can look up to and their parents can work. I've seen young people start after-school programs, then volunteer, then become staff when they're 16 and make a career of it," she said.


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